Friday, June 22, 2007

Unnecessary Accident

Accidents, tragedies, badlucks, all of them were never wanted by anyone. Unfortunately, we can not always avoid or prepare some evasion. Some of them were meant to be a lesson, not only for the victims, but also for the people surrounding. Sometimes, it was so clear that some disasters had been so massive, unavoidable, and there is no other better reaction than accept it patiently.

This morning I was reading one of Medan local newspaper in my room. Two teenagers lost their hands and legs while they had been sleeping near the railway. The train had crushed them. At the night before the incident, they had been staying up and talking all night with their friends there. And somehow they got tired and eventually fell asleep on that railway.

I really pity them deeply. I am so sorry and give them my sympathy. But something has really made me down, dissapointed, angry. The cause of this accident is so.. ridiculous, unreasonable, and completely silly. Why can't they think for a few seconds, that the railway is obviously not a safe place to lay their bodies down? Why can't they? Oh God, I can't understand the way You adjust human thought algorithm.

Please protect us from being careless and negligent..


ikram said...

... and stupidity.

alarif said...

Semoga bisa jadi pelajaran buat yang lain, terutama yang suka begadang..

ikram said...

Di Medan udah makan nasi goreng depan Hotel Novotel?

Enak loh. Mirip nasi goreng padang yang di Dago Simpang.

alarif said...

Belum Kram. Padahal aku beberapa hari sempat nginep di sana. Nggak aware aja.

Sekarang udah balik lagi ke Bandung.