Friday, June 22, 2007

Unnecessary Accident

Accidents, tragedies, badlucks, all of them were never wanted by anyone. Unfortunately, we can not always avoid or prepare some evasion. Some of them were meant to be a lesson, not only for the victims, but also for the people surrounding. Sometimes, it was so clear that some disasters had been so massive, unavoidable, and there is no other better reaction than accept it patiently.

This morning I was reading one of Medan local newspaper in my room. Two teenagers lost their hands and legs while they had been sleeping near the railway. The train had crushed them. At the night before the incident, they had been staying up and talking all night with their friends there. And somehow they got tired and eventually fell asleep on that railway.

I really pity them deeply. I am so sorry and give them my sympathy. But something has really made me down, dissapointed, angry. The cause of this accident is so.. ridiculous, unreasonable, and completely silly. Why can't they think for a few seconds, that the railway is obviously not a safe place to lay their bodies down? Why can't they? Oh God, I can't understand the way You adjust human thought algorithm.

Please protect us from being careless and negligent..

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Capture of Dujana

Despite the unproven status of Abu Dujana, it seemed that questions about his improper arrest are excessive. Some parties objected the way police did to avoid Dujana's escape, that is by shooting his thigh in close gap. There were also opinions that it could cause trauma to the kids that saw the event in surrounding area. One of Dujana's lawyers even argued that Densus 88 should be able to seize the suspect without violence, as they were well-trained elite team.

But this is a big catch, and any risks must be taken to make the mission accomplished. Yes, we will ignore a child's broken heart and a wife's protest to save other thousands children and wives outside. Yes, we will shoot that thigh to avoid many other thighs -and other body parts- explosions. We will kill one life to protect the remains.

People may forget that Azhari was still able to escape even he was in head to head chase with police. Police didn't underestimate Dujana, and that's how it should be.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Tokyo, Sayonara

It was my last night in Tokyo. And I was sure that I would miss this city so much.

Order, colorfulness, punctuality, kindness, safety, well maintained infrastructures, politeness, creativity, honesty, dynamism, custom.

And not to forget, the miniskirts..:)

Mini Card

At the first time, I was disappointed with my Citibank card. It was not the kind that I had wanted. Moreover, the credit limit was so small.

The only different thing was the size of the card. It is a mini card. The size is around a quarter smaller than the usual card. And now, I wonder that so lot of people have no idea about this kind of card.

Front officer of Hotel Angkasa Medan said,
"How funny, it can be issued at this size."

Front officer of Hotel Grand Majesty Batam checked,
"This is not a debit card, right?"

Front officer of Hotel Bristol Gurgaon (near New Delhi) doubted,
"Is this real credit card?"

Front officer of Hotel Miyako Tokyo asked,
"How to use this?"

Some times, this card makes me proud..