I was so happy knowing that Lapindo issue has been just exposed again. It was still clear in my mind, how it became so boring being trapped in Porong traffic jam last year end. At that time, it was the part of my job to travel Surabaya-Malang several times. Our schedule then was sometimes failed due to this uncertain travel time.
Day by day, Surabaya's daily newspapers always put Lapindo on their headlines. Then I hated so much this company, hoping that their mistakes would be greater as the time goes, collecting all the people's anger and waiting them to take revenge against this company. What an excessive dislike, and what an excessive ruthlessness:)
The issue seemed to be faded after Adam Air crash, followed by some mass transport accidents. Last thing I heard is that Lapindo agreed to pay, but the villagers should have the certificate of their land ownership. Something that Lapindo didn't even care when buying the exploration land before. And the latest news, that may be already late, is that Lapindo will buy the sunk houses in several phases.
Thanks God that some people there still have consciousness about their forgotten rights, and keep fighting for it.
Well, keep your land. It's yours.
Hoi !!! Jarene ra seneng berpetualang ! Lha kok tekan ndi-ndi? Saiki ning ndi jal ? Ning Jakarta tekan kapan ? Lania piye ? Wis isi durung ? Ra sabar pengen duwe ponakan anyar !!!
He2 iki yo lungo2 dudu karepe dhewe. Bertualang ki nek iso nyante, ndelok alas, leren ning danau, motret-motret kewan. Lha iki lungo2 dioyak report, deadline, kurang turu, lan sak panunggale..:p
Saiki isih neng Batam. Wis bosen ki. Sedelok meneh mugo2 iso bali Bandung..
Piye, wis ketemu durung Heritage-ne?
He-he-he... akhire oleh juga tas sing lumayan. Tapi ora ning Heritage. Untung ono guide sing duwe fly watch (jam terbang) tinggi :p, walaupun Bandung lebih semrawut dari Yogya or even Magelang, aku iso enjoy (banget). Yang pasti, ga kesasar n oleh pengalaman ngangkot mung sewu (angkot Semarang, minimum payment 2000), walah....
Btw, aku ono rencana "berpetualang" tanpa dioyak deadline n report. Arep munggah gunung, refresing sekalian golek fresh air sing jarene ra ono AC sing iso nandingi suegere udara ning kono. Tapi isih rencana sih, durung mateng.
Yowis, kapan2 yen butuh guide, aku ngerti musti telpon sopo. Thnx bgt.
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